Deep Wedding Networks = Happier Brides
Last week, I had something very peculiar happen to me. It started like any typical Sunday for me as a day of much needed rest and recharging. The constant prep, hustle, double and triple check, set-up, perform, strike, and go home takes a lot out of each of us in the wedding industry. Many Sundays, I find myself too exhausted to be a proper dad to my kids. However, this particular Sunday brought a pleasant surprise from a very unexpected source. I happened to peer down at my Facebook notifications and found that one my competitor DJ's had left a review on my page. I was even more shocked to find that it was a 5 star review with a great testimonial.
So, before I write anything else, I wanted to publically thank DJ Matt Gray out of Ocala for the great review. I'm saying this opening because he deserves recognition. I want to recognize him for his kind words, but also for being a man worthy of my respect. Many times in business you will find competitors have friendly, albeit cold relationships. In some rare instances you will find that they will even engage in a little underhanded backstabbing. For instance, I know a local DJ who runs a trivia night for a major restaurant chain. This restaurant got a 1 star review from a competing DJ who complained about the my friend and was trying to wiggle into his DJ's spot. Not cool. However, I have found that having a strong allies in our field of work makes us all better.
I know many of you would logically ask, why would you risk sending a potential client to DJ Matt Gray? My simplest answer is, he make brides happy. Let me elaborate. Matt and I are single owner/operators, when I am booked, having deep networks helps me create more happy brides. How? I simply can not book them all. Knowing which DJ's to refer comes in handy during the months of September, October, November, and December when the volume of weddings, parties, and school dances outpace the DJ's in our area.

. DJ's don't grow on trees, so knowing who to trust can ease the process for the bride who has never done this before. The late Zig Ziglar once said that "you can't get where you're going, until you've helped enough people get to where they want to be.". Thanks again DJ Matt Gray for being a great DJ and even better man worthy of my respect.