Ring It In, Bring It On
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....Happy New Year! Yes, 2018 is finally here and as Fetty Wop would say in the Cheatcode's banger "Feels Good motherf*cker yeah!" As the ball dropped all over the world, partygoers young and old rejoiced with happy tidings and the thought of new beginnings. I too have dreams, goals, and aspirations I'm looking to achieve this year. I'd like to share some them with you and get your feedback.
1. Grow My Business, Not My Waistline!!!! Oh boy, 2016-2017 was a tough year for me. Midway through 2016, I got sick in late May and found myself in the hospital. I think I was sicker than my 3 day stay would indicate, but the upshot was that I had lost 20lbs through it all. Well unfortunately in 2017, as my business grew, so did my waistline. I started eating all the "road foods" that are terrible for my body. So even though I started boxing as a hobby, I found myself on the losing end of being healthy and happy with a 35lb rebound.
Resolution #1: This year I'm going to benefit from eating healthier. Starting today I will be living the personal mantra of losing 40 by 40. My 40th bday is a year and a half away and I am going to celebrate it early with healthy choices.
2. Se habla espanol. I may not be able to speak Spanish at all. In fact, I still tell the story of how I failed the same Spanish class in college 3 times in a row only to pass Japanese with flying colors. What made for a good chuckle back then, is now something I wished I would've applied more effort towards now.
Resolution #2: I want to expand my latin music collection. I want to feel as comfortable playing for my latino friends as I am spinning Top 40. It's time. Otherwise, I'm just leaving money on the table.
These are only a sampling of what I'd like to be working towards in 2018. I hope 2017 was fruitful for you all, I hope 2018 is better.